ICAgile Certified Professional - Agile Coaching (ICP-ACC) en español

Price: Set by Provider

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About this class
Un coach ágil sirve como catalizador para el equipo ágil, facilitando el pensamiento y las prácticas ágiles y empoderando al equipo para alcanzar sus objetivos a través de prácticas de equipo mejoradas. Al proporcionar una guía enfocada, el entrenador mejora la conciencia de las metas y objetivos comerciales y actúa como maestro, facilitador, mentor, constructor de equipos y planificador, todo a la vez. El coach ágil puede fomentar una cultura de pensamiento ágil-esbelto y marcar el comienzo de un cambio positivo al cambiar la cultura organizacional y redefinir el paradigma de trabajo para reflejar una mentalidad ágil. El ICP-ACC se centra principalmente en la mentalidad, los roles y las responsabilidades de un coach ágil. Este taller es único en el sentido de que permite a los candidatos experimentar tanto el "hacer" como el "ser" del coaching ágil. Con un fuerte enfoque en la simulación de escenarios prácticos del mundo real, los entrenadores aspirantes / en transición / existentes estarán equipados con las habilidades y herramientas adecuadas para crear formas poderosas de abordar los desafíos de una mejor manera. Los candidatos aprenderán la competencia subyacente requerida para ser coaches ágiles exitosos que sean capaces de entregar resultados organizacionales y de equipo a los niveles deseados. Al completar con éxito esta capacitación, recibirá la credencial titulada ICAgile Certified Professional - Agile Coaching (ICP-ACC).
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Online Meeting Platform
Zoom & Miro
Provided in the Registration Link
Ulises Gonzalez
ICAgile Certified Professional - Agile Coaching Badge
ICAgile Certified Professional - Agile Coaching
Offered By
Agile611 Logo
About the Instructor(s)

Ulises Gonzalez

I work since 2001 in process design, structure, and technology to meet business objectives. To achieve this, I work in a grey area between continuous improvement, innovation, development of digital solutions, and organizational change. I feel very comfortable working with different levels of an organization, from a small functionality with development teams to discuss skin changes with the executive level. I'm DevOps Institute trainer (Leadership, Continuous Delivery Ecosystem Foundation, Agile Process Owning) and Lean Change Management/Management 3.0 Facilitator.

Frequently Asked Questions

Have more questions that need answers? Take a look at our list of Frequently Asked Questions below.

Each training provider sets their own price. Please visit the training provider's website to find pricing information.

ICAgile does not have any prerequisites, but occasionally a training provider may have their own. Please check the training provider’s website to see if there are specific prerequisites for the class you are interested in.

Through the accreditation process, ICAgile verifies that every training provider assesses student knowledge before the student earns a certificate. Assessment may be completed through in-class activities, group exercises, or an exam, as determined by the training provider. Please contact the training provider to find out if an exam is required to earn a certification.

Once you have earned an ICAgile-accredited certification, the certification is yours to keep. We don’t charge any renewal fees or require continuing education credits. We want you to be able to invest your time and resources into continuing your learning journey.