


Upcoming Classes

Select a listing to learn more about an upcoming class.

Date Certification Class Track Location
April 07, 2025
09:00 AM CEST
ICAgile Certified Professional - Agile Coaching Coaching Agile Organizations (ICP-ACC) Agile Team Coaching Apeldoorn, Netherlands
August 09, 2025
09:00 AM CEST
ICAgile Certified Professional - Leading with Agility Leading With Agility Agility in Leadership Delft, Netherlands
September 22, 2025
09:00 AM CEST
ICAgile Certified Professional - Agile Coaching Coaching Agile Organizations (ICP-ACC) Agile Team Coaching Eindhoven, Netherlands
December 15, 2025
09:00 AM CET
ICAgile Certified Professional - Agile Coaching Coaching Agile Organizations (ICP-ACC) Agile Team Coaching Delft, Netherlands

Accredited / Licensed Courses

This Member Organization has the capability to offer the following ICAgile-accredited courses.

Certification Class Track Course Description Delivery Method
ICAgile Certified Professional - Agile Coaching Coaching Agile Organizations (ICP-ACC) Agile Team Coaching Deze 3-daagse training leert je om een organisatie te laten groeien met een agile mindset. Je ontwikkelt vaardigheden in dienend leiderschap en coaching vaardigheden. Je ontvangt en oefent met concrete coaching tools. Na de training kun je deze onmiddellijk toepassen in je persoonlijke en professionele wereld. Kenmerken van deze training zijn: interactief, praktisch en energiek. This 3-day course teaches you to grow an organization with an agile mindset. You will develop skills in servant leadership and coaching skills. You will receive and practice with concrete coaching tools. After the training you can immediately apply these in your personal and professional world. Characteristics of this training are: interactive, practical and energetic. In Person
ICAgile Certified Professional - Agile Coaching Coaching Agile Organizations (ICP-ACC) Agile Team Coaching Deze 3-daagse training leert je om een organisatie te laten groeien met een agile mindset. Je ontwikkelt vaardigheden in dienend leiderschap en coaching vaardigheden. Je ontvangt en oefent met concrete coaching tools. Na de training kun je deze onmiddellijk toepassen in je persoonlijke en professionele wereld. Kenmerken van deze training zijn: interactief, praktisch en energiek. This 3-day course teaches you to grow an organization with an agile mindset. You will develop skills in servant leadership and coaching skills. You will receive and practice with concrete coaching tools. After the training you can immediately apply these in your personal and professional world. Characteristics of this training are: interactive, practical and energetic. Remote
ICAgile Certified Professional - Leading with Agility Leading With Agility Agility in Leadership Leading with Agility (ICP-LEA) In Person
ICAgile Certified Professional - Leading with Agility Leading With Agility Agility in Leadership Leading with Agility (ICP-LEA) Remote