Enterprise Agile Coaching

About this track

The enterprise coach has a holistic view of an organization and works across boundaries to accelerate the business agility journey. They are uniquely positioned to partner with organizational leadership to co-create meaningful and sustained change. Learning Outcomes in this Track emphasize assessing an organization's current design and structure, coaching human-centered change, and achieving business agility through leadership and culture.

Start with an agile mindset

Business Agility Foundations

Jumpstart the business agility journey with an agile mindset. Learn the paradigm shifts necessary to enable organizational agility in today's innovative business climate. This starting point is for professionals outside of the software delivery space (e.g., HR, Finance, Marketing).

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Track Details

The knowledge-based certifications in this Track are Enterprise Agile Coaching (ICP-ENT) and Coaching Agile Transformations (ICP-CAT). Once learners obtain this foundation, they can participate in an Accredited Expert Program in pursuit of the ICAgile Certified Expert in Enterprise Coaching (ICE-EC) designation.

Enterprise Agile Coaching

Unlock enterprise agility and transformational change with the ICP-ENT certification. Gain professional coaching skills and learn how to enhance company culture

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Coaching Agile Transformations

Learn strategies to coach leadership and culture effectively. Recognize the organization's impediments to change and help catalyze agile transformations.

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Expert in Enterprise Coaching

Build proven competencies to become an effective Enterprise Coach.

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Additional Recommended Certifications

ICAgile recommends the following certifications as supplemental learning for professionals embarking on this track.

Bring accredited agile learning to your organization